

Ways to give

For church tithes, offerings and one-off gifts, please set up a standing order using our bank details below.

Connection Church
Account number: 02461750
Sort code: 30-90-16

Gift aid forms are available in the church.


Why is it good to give?

God gives us money to enable us to express our love, if our love is not pure love, then money will expose our real motives and heart condition. The way we spend and place priority on our money is an expression of love or the lack thereof. There are 2 expressions of love that can be expressed through our use of finance and resources.

  1. Our love for GOD - is expressed in the way we faithfully give our tithes and offerings to the Storehouse (the local church)so that the house can be healthy and able to fulfil the call of God on that house / Local Church.

  2. Our love for the PEOPLE OF THE WORLD - is expressed in the way we utilise our resources as an instrument to care and love people into the Kingdom. We do this personally and as a Spiritual Family. Personally we should see our resources as Gods given ability to sow into peoples lives as an act of His love for them. This is done by asking God and obeying God directly, as to where we should give. Secondly we do this by giving as a family to fulfil Gods call on all of us to take the Gospel to every nation, every tongue, every tribe.


Greater things are yet to come